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Soda Affects Your Teeth

Warning: Soda Affects Your Teeth Negatively

Your teeth are highly sensitive to consumption of soda, and it’s been long known that soda affects your teeth negatively. The acids and sugar content in sodas result in tooth decay. On top of this, the dark-colored soda variety also has the tendency to severely stain your teeth. Let’s look at what we know. Stained or Eroded? Dark-colored sodas contain certain compounds that are detrimental to your oral health. Enamel, the protective outer layer on your tooth absorbs these compounds, discoloring the teeth and making them brown and yellow. One of the ways soda affects your teeth are the severe…

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What Should I Expect When Getting Veneers?

Veneers are a revolutionary treatment in cosmetic dentistry. While being an effective way of hiding dental defects, they’re also considered as an integral part of an aesthetic dental makeover. The treatment involves attaching composite or porcelain covers onto your teeth to give the desired shape, color, and appearance to your teeth. Here are a few things you can expect when getting your veneers: Porcelain vs. Composite Veneers Veneers are customized according to what you’d like, and you can choose from composite or porcelain veneers. Porcelain ones are indirect veneers which are prepared in a lab before gluing them to your…

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7 Ways to Tackle Gum Sensitivity

Do you have swollen, irritated or painful gums? Do your gums bleed or become sore when you brush or floss your teeth? If yes, unfortunately you are suffering from gum sensitivity. Gum sensitivity and soreness is one of the most common, yet ignored dental health problems. Pain from gum sensitivity can range from just few minutes to days and even months. Gum diseases, poor oral hygiene, unhealthy habits and stressful routine are all probable causes of this dental condition and while mild sensitivity is often ignored, severe gum sensitivity calls for serious treatment and lifestyle changes. You can deal with…

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