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Ask Your Rio Rancho Dentist: How to Choose the Best Toothbrush

To say there are a lot of toothbrushes on the market today is an understatement. When people go to buy toothbrushes, they often encounter rows upon rows of options. And figuring out which is right for you can be a challenge. Getting a high-quality toothbrush is crucial for your oral health, so understanding how to choose the best toothbrush for you makes selecting the right option easier. If you’re wondering how to get started, here’s what you need to know. Electric or Manual In general, toothbrushes are available in two primary categories: electric and manual. An electric toothbrush typically requires…

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Ask Your Rio Rancho Dentist: Flossing, Yes, it is Important

Most people wouldn’t say that flossing is at the top of their list of favorite things to do. For that reason, a lot of people choose not to floss, while others only floss occasionally. However, flossing daily is important to your oral health, and it only takes a few minutes a day to get it right. If you are wondering why flossing is so important, your Rio Rancho dentist explains what you need to know. Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease While brushing your teeth can clean the majority of your tooth surfaces, it isn’t very effective at getting in between…

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