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Soda Affects Your Teeth

Warning: Soda Affects Your Teeth Negatively

Your teeth are highly sensitive to consumption of soda, and it’s been long known that soda affects your teeth negatively. The acids and sugar content in sodas result in tooth decay. On top of this, the dark-colored soda variety also has the tendency to severely stain your teeth. Let’s look at what we know. Stained or Eroded? Dark-colored sodas contain certain compounds that are detrimental to your oral health. Enamel, the protective outer layer on your tooth absorbs these compounds, discoloring the teeth and making them brown and yellow. One of the ways soda affects your teeth are the severe…

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Show Yourself Some LOVE this Valentine’s Day!

Around Valentine’s Day, we often get caught up thinking about the important people in our life. Maybe you’re focused on your significant other or are on the hunt for the perfect cards for your children to share at school. Heck, maybe you’re just looking forward to ordering some takeout and enjoying some uninterrupted Netflix! No matter what has captured your attention this Valentine’s Day, don’t leave yourself out of the festivities! Now is a great time to splurge and pamper yourself with some self-love. Here is a list of a few worthy items for taking care of yourself this Valentine’s…

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Ask Your Rio Rancho Dentist: Achieve Your Whitest Summer Smile!

As many families prepare to enjoy their summer vacations, the season of the selfie is upon us. And, since you likely want to share those photos with friends and family, you certainly want to make sure you look your best. One way to ensure your smile is radiant in the photographs is to achieve your whitest summer smile before you head out the door. And your local Rio Rancho dentist can help you do just that. Here are some of the most effective teeth whitening options available today. In-Office Teeth Whitening If you want to achieve your whitest smile quickly,…

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Your Smile After Graduation

Having the best smile on campus Of all of life’s transitions, perhaps one of the most monumental is when a young person graduates high school and enters the “real” world for the first time. Adjusting to life as an adult can be exciting, but it’s important to keep your well-being, including your dental health, a priority. If you’re starting college, your teeth are an important part of your life and even your future career. Here’s how to keep your smile in the best shape possible. College students and dental visits Between studying, sports, activities, friends, and more, you probably have…

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